it’s all about the “feel Good, do good” effect
Creative Heartivism is at the heart of every Heart-On offering. With FunRasing 10% give-back programs, your participation in workshops and private sessions directly contributes to the well-being of others, and our planet.
Heart-On offers Restorative Wellness sessions free of charge to select NGOs. Front line activists and advocates are invited to freely access all of Heart-On’s tools for self-care, wellness, vitality and health. Is this you? Send me an email about what you do and what you need and we’ll create a program for you and your colleagues.
FunRaiser Benefit events are donation-based with 100% of proceeds donated to support organizations doing great work in the fields of social and environmental justice. They are designed to be accessible to all people, while raising awareness and cultivating connection in support of these important causes. This alternative gift-economy initiative is inspired by the Non-Violent Communication work of Miki Kashtan.
Cacao Ceremony Fun-Raiser Benefit for Sanar Wellness Institute
"FunRaise your Fundraiser" is a multi-purpose service. Interactive and performative joy-making at charity events create deeper relationships with your cause to cultivate greater investment in your organization.
If you would like to have a Restorative Wellness session at your organization, a donation-based FunRaiser Benefit, or "FunRaise you Fundraiser" to increase impact and support at your event, please send Rachel an inquiry below.
“Rachel is a wonderful guide and leader...[She] had us all shouting, jumping and laughing with joy and release.”
Rachel Santos currently serves on the Board of Directors for The Immortal Sisters Foundation. She has previously served on the Board of Music on the Inside, which brings music education and mentorship to young people in incarceration and re-entry. She was also a founding Board member for Sanar Wellness Institute, which provides holistic wellness services to survivors of human trafficking and sexual assault. She is an advocate, supporter, and the official banana bedazzle fairy of Friends of Haiti NY, and she is an active advocate for environmental justice causes around the world. Reach out to see how Rachel can help catalyse support for your cause!